1888-1965 Thomas Sterne Elliot also known as T.S Eliot was a Profound Poet and a Brilliant Critic of his Time,born on September 26,1888 into a Boston Brahmin family which has Roots in England. He completed his Education from Harvard University both [Bachelors and Masters Degree]and later on moved to the University of Oxford{London} for further studies. Albeit being a profound Poet Eliot emerged as a Cultural Critic who is compared with the Greats like "Sir Philip Sidney" and "Samuel Taylor Coleridge" There he met his Lifelong Friend Ezra Pound an American Writer and critic.He took his Last Breath in the year 1965 at london. Eliott has written No. of Masterpeices some of them are- TS Eliot poems- Prufrock and Other Observation ( 1917 ) Ara Vos Pree ( 1919) The Waste Land ( 1922) Collected Poems ( 1909-1935, 1936) The Hollow Men ( 1935 ) The